The delicious flavor similar to garlic and the thin, flat leaves of Chinese chives distinguish it from its cousin with hollow stems. Very productive, it flavors your salads, cold sauce and omelettes.
Certified Organic seeds

All Lingots® have a satisfied or exchange guarantee!
More About LINGOTS®

Ready-To-Use Refills
- Pre-seeded with organic seeds
- Integrated soil-less media
- Essential growth nutrient integrated
- LINGOTS® must be inserted in the Véritable® garden growing baskets

100% Natural
- Natural soil-less media exclusively composed of peat and coconut fiber
- Organic or untreated seeds. GMO-free warranty.
- LINGOT® is fully compostable and biodegradable.

More Than 70 Species To Grow
- The Véritable® LINGOT® collection is the widest range of refills on the indoor garden market:
- Classic aromatic herbs
- Original aromatic herbs
- Mini fruits & mini vegetables
- Greens
- Edible flowers
- Asian flavors

4 to 6 Months of Bountiful Harvest
- Véritable selects and tests its seeds to guarantee bountiful harvests.
- Quality of crops suitable for culinary use.
- Each parameter is optimized according to each plant specie: seed spacing, seeding depth, choice of species, soil-less media composition.

Guaranteed Success Satisfied or Exchanged
- Véritable® LINGOT® guarantee ensures optimum germination for a perfect user experience.
- If a Lingot® does not sprout properly, Véritable® will exchange or refund it (please refer to warranty conditions).